Hot weather is another reason not to drive with low fuel
NOW THAT MOST CARS HAVE a low fuel warning light, people are even more likely to drive until there is just a splash left in the tank. There are a number of reasons why this
Continue readingCar advice for people whose age and IQ are both over 50.
NOW THAT MOST CARS HAVE a low fuel warning light, people are even more likely to drive until there is just a splash left in the tank. There are a number of reasons why this
Continue readingGOVERNMENTS HAVE AN AMAZING ability to find money for all sorts of programs that take their fancy, especially when they see votes in them. But when there’s a real initiative that might actually save lives
Continue readingDESPITE EVER-MORE HOLLOW claims that speed cameras (hypocritically labelled “safety cameras”) are all about improving road safety, the simple truth is that authorities are more addicted to the revenue they provide than ever before. Victoria
Continue readingWHILE REPLACEMENT PARTS don’t necessarily have to come from the original equipment manufacturer, substandard parts are a real concern. The automotive industry body FCAI has issued an urgent alert on counterfeit parts after large batches
Continue readingMEDICATIONS ARE OF CONCERN at any age, but especially so as we get older. They may cause side effects that negatively affect our driving ability. And for many of us, as we grow older, we
Continue readingIN AN INCREASINGLY INTERCONNECTED world, many people are becoming concerned that interested parties may be able to snoop on their driving habits. As you would expect, uncovering the extent of snooping by authorities and insurance
Continue readingAS WITH ANY piece of equipment, there are guidelines on how radar and speed cameras should be used. However, these guidelines are being ignored, and motorists are being unfairly (and possibly illegally) penalised as a
Continue readingDespite the cavalier way we approach it, driving a motor vehicle is probably the most dangerous thing we do on a daily basis. THINGS ARE definitely improving, with the number of fatalities steadily falling across
Continue readingWE SEE IT ON OUR ROADS every day … people on their mobile phones while diving, glancing down to read text messages or, even worse, send one. And despite all the warnings and increasingly onerous
Continue readingANCAP testing and ratings aren’t always clear. And some readers wonder why the current Mahindra XUV500 carries an ANCAP rating from 2012. MANY OF OUR READERS are confused about ANCAP safety ratings. They ask us
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