When should you surrender your licence?
PRINCE PHILIP WAS STILL DRIVING at age 97, but when he was recently involved in a car crash that sent two women to hospital, he (or his advisors) decided it was time for him to
Continue readingCar advice for people whose age and IQ are both over 50.
PRINCE PHILIP WAS STILL DRIVING at age 97, but when he was recently involved in a car crash that sent two women to hospital, he (or his advisors) decided it was time for him to
Continue readingIT’S A MORE COMMON PROBLEM than you might imagine, but having to transport three children under seven in a car is not always simple. Children up to the age of seven years are required to
Continue readingMotorcyclists continue to be killed at a far higher rate than drivers, so what measures can be introduced to make them safer on the roads? EVERY YEAR, MORE MOTORCYCLISTS are killed on our roads (as
Continue readingMORE THAN IN MOST OTHER COUTNRIES in the world, Australian motorists need to drive to avoid kangaroos, dogs, cats, cattle and any number of other creatures that infest our roads. A little anticipation can go
Continue readingANYONE WHO RIDES A BICYCLE knows it’s a case of Russian Roulette when riding beside stationary vehicles. At any moment, a driver or passenger may unexpectedly open a car or truck door straight out into
Continue readingA recent US Nielsen study came up with an unexpected finding that the majority of connected car users are males from the Baby Boomer generation. Most people would have assumed that younger drivers would have
Continue readingONE OF THE BEST WAYS to stay safe on the roads is to avoid potentially hazardous situations wherever possible. This is especially true for senior drivers. Almost 400 senior drivers recently took part in a
Continue readingIT NEVER CEASES to amaze just how many drivers have never been told the most basic necessities about keeping themselves safe on our roads. Senior drivers are nine times more likely to be seriously injured
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