Nothing better to do?

WHILE DRIVING PAST a boat trailer parking lot this morning, I noticed a large Highway Patrol officer affixing a notice to the windscreen of a Mitsubishi Triton.

Intrigued, I returned a short time later, when said police officer and his candy-striped vehicle had moved on. Here’s the label as attached to the Triton’s windscreen, right in the driver’s line of sight.

Yes, it’s a genuine defect notice, issued under the Road Traffic Act 1961 and the Heavy Vehicle National Law (South Australia) Act 2001. And as you can see, the vehicle was apparently defected for “too many cobwebs”, described as a “Major Defect”.

Of course, it was a practical joke being played by one of our boys in blue, probably on a mate or even a work colleague. There are a couple of giveaways: the lack of a time or date of issue; the silly signature; the “Fookau” notice; and finally, the posting which looks like “Ha Ha”.

A defect notice right in front of the driver, and “not to be removed, obscured, altered or defaced without lawful authority”.

Okay, it’s only a bit of fun, but I hope the recipient appreciated the joke when he returned from his day’s boating. And at this time of the year, I would have thought police officers had better things to do with their time, like defecting vehicles that deserve to be put off the road.