They’re the driving habits of other people that we love to hate, but how many of them do you commit?

A STUDY IN THE UK has identified the ten most hated road habits. Taking out top place was talking or texting while driving. Even though it is illegal there as well as here, it is still endemic. Forty-seven percent of UK motorists surveyed rated it their top hate. Drivers using their mobile phones was more annoying to older motorists than younger ones, with 65 percent of drivers over 65 declaring it their pet hate, compared to 38 percent of those aged 18-24. Tailgating, previously the number one most hated habit, fell back into second place with 42 percent of drivers citing it.

Not only is using a mobile annoying to other drivers and illegal, studies have shown it increases the risk of the driver being involved in an accident by a factor of four.

Many of the annoying driving habits are not only frustrating but illegal, although from personal experience, it seems very few offenders are ever penalised.

The top ten bad habits (with the percentage of motorists who hate them) is

Using a mobile handset to talk/text 47%
Tailgating 42%
Failing to indicate 35%
Dangerous overtaking 30%
Middle lane cruisers 26%
Last minute braking 23%
Undertaking 19%
Hesitant driving 12%
Being slow away from traffic lights 12%
Jumping the lights 10%