Maserati 10-year warranty, but not for Australia

FLEXIBILITY, INNOVATION AND PERSONALISATION: these are the fundamental factors that guide the Maserati Personal Service Lab in the development of new services dedicated to its customers (but to paraphrase George Orwell, “some customers are more equal than others”).

Maserati introduces the new Extra10 Warranty Program, to extend the coverage of powertrain components – engine, gearbox, transmission – until the car turns 10 years old. Offered in addition to the existing program to extend the warranty to four or five years (known as “Extended Warranty”), the service is available worldwide (which, in Maserati’s eyes, is the USA, Canada and Latin America), for all customers who own any Maserati model (so long as it is no older that nine years and six months).

Ten year warranty for Australian owners? Tell ’em they’re dreamin’

This new service enables Maserati to provide all its customers (but not its Australian customers) with an innovative offer, adding value in terms of unparalleled flexibility in the automotive world. A major new feature for the brand, aimed at consolidating the value of its cars over time, guaranteeing total peace of mind by combining top performance and the driving pleasure typical of every Trident car.

Don’t bother following their advice to visit any Maserati dealer to check whether your car is included in the scheme, because in Australia, it isn’t.